Find Freedom From Food Obsession

End the cycle once and for all.

Mind-Body Coaching

Hi, I’m Jackie! I’m an Integrative Mind-Body Coach, and I help clients Find Freedom From Food Obsession Ending the Cycle Once and For All.

Many of my clients tell me they’ve been battling with Food Obsession, their weight, body image, and Compulsive Eating as long as they can remember. They are frustrated, exhausted, embarrassed, and sick of trying to control their eating only to consistently fail. They feel ashamed and maybe fight depression on a daily basis because they cannot see a way out.

They’ve tried everything but always end up doing the same thing, the same way, with the same results. They just want to stop, so they can focus on joyfully living their lives. They spend a lot of time fantasizing about healthy eating, a healthy body and their new healthy lifestyle .They’ve read all the books, listened to the podcasts, and tried the diets; they’ve gone to the therapist, nutritionist, health coach and possibly even tried surgery only to end up defeated once again.

I know my clients well because I’ve been there too. Their story is my story. We are no different. At some point in my battle, I hit a wall and realized that seeking the answers outside of myself wasn’t working. It needed to be an inside job which led me on a transformational journey of looking deeper into my Compulsive Eating or what I like to name, my Hungry Soul. I began by enrolling in a MindBody Coaching program.and doing the mindset and somatic work. I then added Energy Work to support my transformational process. I furthered my studies taking a National Food Addiction training and learned more about how my body and brain responded to certain foods. So, I began the process by changing what I ate…which changed the way I thought and felt…and gradually my whole entire life began to change. I no longer had cravings and was able to focus on other things besides eating. My anxiety and depression quickly disappeared. I had energy and time to explore new possibilities. I felt like I woke up from a very long slumber and had the motivation to live the life I’ve only dreamt about. My life was a huge canvas, and I got to choose what went on it!

This was so exciting to me; I wanted to share it with you!. So, I developed a program to Free You From Food Obsession too. I combine Coaching and Energy Work to assist you in your transformational journey. We work as a team Ending the Cycle Once and for All. You start by getting out of the Drama! “How,” you ask? By cleaning up the TRIGGER foods and learning how to eat for fuel and nutrition. Then you get PRESENT in your body accessing your deeper truths . Together, we begin to unpack the UNCONSCIOUS beliefs and stories. The beliefs and stories you’ve been telling yourself that keep you stuck in the cycle. And we imprint new ones that ALIGN with who you are right now. CREATING a life that nourishes and satisfies you.

  • Neutrality around food and food behaviors

  • Create Safety in the Body

  • Ease in the Body and Mind

  • Confidence and Trust in yourself

  • Decrease in Anxiety/Depression

  • Better quality Sleep

  • Weight Loss

  • Able to manage Triggers and Cravings

  • No more Brain Fog

  • Increased Intimacy in Relationships

  • Reconnection with Self/ Spirit

  • Sense of Purpose

  • Freedom

  • Decrease in Inflammatory Conditions

  • Physical Strength

  • Health returns

  • Clear Skin and Eyes

  • Improved Digestion

  • May notice headaches/migraines are gone

  • Increase in ambition/drive

  • Excited to recreate your life



Creating Safety In the Body;A 90 Day Program

Meet my latest program, designed specifically for you. By combining Coaching with Intuitive Energy Healings, you'll embark on a 90-day journey to uncover the answers you seek. Have you ever questioned why you eat compulsively? Why your body has tolerated it? Thinking about the discomfort you feel after overeating, or the remorse that creeps in after finishing the bag of chips you swore off yesterday, what compels you to keep returning?

Have you ever considered that it may be your body's way of keeping you safe? The Fight or Flight response—your nervous system's reaction to danger—might be at play. While it may seem counterintuitive, understanding this response can be the key to ending the cycle. Join me on this transformative journey to finally find the answers and achieve lasting change.

  • 1:1 Strategy Call

  • 1:1 Coaching & Intuitve Energy Healing Sessions

  • Daily 1:1 Support(Text Messaging or Email)

  • Daily Disciplines/Practices

  • Recorded Meditations

1:1 Coaching Program; Six Steps to Food Freedom; Ending the Cycle Once and For All

After years of Compulsively Eating, Ending the Cycle is not easy…especially when you have no idea how to do it. That’s why I’m here. To show you how. I povide Freedom From Food Obsession using a six step process that ends the Compulsive Eating cycle, giving you the Freedom to live the life you desire. What does that look like? Freedom to choose what nourishes you. Food no longer has the power. You do. I’ve designed these six simple steps to get you there. Together, we will walk through them in a co-creative process and on the other side you will have more time and energy to create whatever it is you’ve been dreaming about!

  • Step 1: Quiet Cravings

  • Step 2: Food Boundaries

  • Step 3: Daily Disciplines

  • Step 4: Support Systems

  • Step 5: STAY- Emotional Processing

  • Step 6: SAFE- Mindset Work; Expanding your Soul’s Light

This program is more of a comittment than my 30 Days to Break the Habit. I created this for long term stability. The first 30 days breaks the habit. The second 30 days is practicing it. The last 30 days integrates it creating a solid foundation for Food Freedom. I offer two seperate packages, 6 or 12 weeks, depending on your level of comittment. I can’t wait to help you transform your life!