Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

Start your journey to healing

 Hi, I’m Jackie! I’m a Licensed Massage Therapist, Reiki Master, Certified Integrative Mind-Body Coach, and  Intuitive Energy Healer. I’ve been practicing bodywork for over 25 years and became a Reiki Master in 2021 as my interest increased in Energy Healing. That same year, I started a certification program in Integrative Mind Body Coaching leading me to an in depth study in Intuitive Energy Healing with The School of Intuitive Studies. Using the various modalities that I’ve learned in combination or individually, I support your Body/Mind/Spirit’s innate ability to heal. I do this by treating your Nervous and Energetic Systems first adding in the Mindset and Bodywork work if you choose. In doing so, you have the energy to repair what needs to be transformed, creating space for your optimum health and well-being.

Massage Therapy

Treating the Nervous System

Having practiced bodywork for over 25 years, the most important aspect of Massage Therapy is treating the Nervous System. Without the rest or relaxation response, your body has no energy to heal itself. Many of us live in perpetual states of stress. Stress can manifest itself in a variety of symptoms including disease. Massage acts to counterbalance the stress by creating a sense of ease and calm so your body can begin its healing process.


  • Lowers cortisol/stress levels

  • Decrease blood pressure

  • Decreases acute/chronic pain

  • Increase circulation/lymph flow

  • Increase the immune response

  • Aids in anxiety and depression/Mental Health

  • Preventative care

  • Increase flexibility

  • A sense of overall well being


Universal Energy

Reiki is an ancient form of healing created in Japan centuries ago. It has healed many all over the world. Reiki by definition means “universal energy.” This life force energy animates and flows through all things. As a Reiki Practitioner, I’ve been attuned to the healing frequency of Reiki. I act as a conduit between the Universe and the client. Therefore, I hold space for your body to do its own healing, and help facilitate the flow of energy for your Highest and Greatest good.

Benefits / Issues addressed:

  • Relaxation

  • Headaches

  • Insomnia

  • Digestion

  • Pain/Illness

  • Hormone Balancing

  • Emotional Support

  • Grief/loss

  • Manifesting

  • Clarity

  • Self empowerment/self expression

  • Spiritual Connection

  • Mental Health/Anxiety/Depression

  • Overall well-being

Mind-Body Coaching

Aligning the Mind and Body

Integrative MindBody Coaching is exactly as it sounds. It’s the integration of both Mind and Body working together as one. The mind thinks thoughts, and the body responds with feelings or vice versa. When they don’t agree with each other, this can lead to all sorts of problems. Many of us, after years of conditioning and developed belief systems, have patterns hardwired into our brains and nervous systems making change difficult. We tell our minds to do something, but our bodies react in resistance. They are at odds with one another, and we go back to what’s familiar. As a MindBody Coach, I treat the Nervous System first by creating ease in the body, so that the mind knows it’s safe to move forward. Being aligned in this way, we have the ability to transform long term.

Find Freedom from Food Obsession >


  • Ease in the body

  • Decrease in anxiety

  • Decrease in physical symptoms

  • Handle stress & change more easily

  • Able to make needed changes

  • Confidence/Courage

  • Able to hold boundaries

  • More Centered/Grounded

  • Adaptability

  • Flexibility

  • Growth and Expansion 

  • Self Awareness

  • Alignment with one’s beliefs

  • Living in one’s truth

  • Following Soul’s Calling

  • Transformed

  • Living in Joy

Upcoming Sessions:

Pink Polka Dots Chapter Meeting

Expanding The Soul’s Light/July 11th 12-2pm

  • I felt very safe during the Reiki session. Jackie supported me with my thoughts and emotions with compassion and without judgment. The release I felt during the process was significant and I still feel it today.

    — Kayla

  • I went into the 30 Days to Break the Habit challenge very anxious and scared. While I knew that breaking up with sugar was necessary to improve my health, I still couldn’t bear the thought of not having my sweets! I was eating a lot of fast food and had become obsessed with eating a candy bar every day after lunch….and then another a little later… and sometimes I’d go home and have ice cream after dinner too! I was out of control! And then I found Jackie. 😊 She helped me understand how to meal plan with a no added sugar diet. She provided informative/educational articles, easy to follow handouts, daily encouragement, and connected mind, body, spirit with her coaching! I learned a lot and am so grateful for her support. My body isn’t bloated, my face isn’t puffy, my mind isn’t foggy, my complexion is radiating and my energy is high! I’m eating better than ever and am feeling fantastic! Oh! And I lost weight too! I highly recommend Jackie!

    — Nikki M

  • Jackie is a guardian of light. She authentically works on being centered, which allows space for my healing to unfold. She provides a safe place for optimal healing to occur in the mind, body, and soul. We collaborate together each session on what modality of healing would best meet my needs. Whether my session includes Reiki, massage, or intuitive healing she is a conduit of positive light.

    — Natalie

  • We’ve had weekly massages from Jackie in our home for three years now when we summer in Coeur d’ Alene. Pat has had a weekly massage for 35 years and thinks Jackie is one of the best massage therapists he’s ever had. He plays a lot of golf which can take a toll on his body,and she always gets the muscles to release and relax. She is such a good listener and extremely knowledgeable about the human body. We are just starting to delve into Reiki with her and anxious to see the outcome of that experience. We would totally recommend her…she is fabulous!

    — Pat & Debbie

  • "Jackie handles her clients with tremendous compassion, empathy and support. Her ability to help you reset your mindset to focus on your physical and emotional health is amazing. I walked into her 30 Day to Break the Habit program blocked from wanting to commit and left it completely committed to my health, a renewed and positive mindset, the ability to ground myself quickly, better morning practices to start off my day on the right path, having greatly reduced my sugar intake - and as a by product I lost 9 lbs, too while on vacation! Jackie is a talented coach - and an incredible gift to her clients. I highly recommend Jackie's coaching - you will be thankful and grateful for the powerful journey and positive outcomes that you will achieve with Jackie as your guide."

    — Shawna C

  • “I thoroughly enjoyed my Intuitive Energy Healing session with Jackie. I chose to work with her because I was feeling like I had lost my sparkle and was creatively blocked. She opened the session by sharing “what to expect” which created a sense of safety. During the session I felt both held and heard in the co creative process that followed. I was able to male conscious and heal a part of my inner child that had remained elusive until now. I left feeling more energized and hopeful. Jacqueline is both highly intuitive and skilled in this work.I would recommend anyone to give it a try to see if it’s right for you. It could change your life!” -Colleen R

  • Jackie has a gift for transformative healing. As a healthcare practitioner working with the tangible, physical body I am aware that some people need more than physiological interventions, myself included. Jackie's guidance through an intuitive healing session revealed chronic, deep factors impacting my wellness. Just one session with Jackie cleared one of those major influences, promoting a lightness within and revitalizing me with passion toward fulfilling my purpose in life. -Nadine W

  • Jackie's Intuitive Healing session was amazing! I was surprised by the insights that surfaced and how relaxed I felt afterwards. Everyone should experience this! I'm already planning regular sessions for myself, like a tune-up for my well-being. -Jackie D

What to expect when working together:

I believe healing is a co-creative process between the client and practitioner. I actually do not know best. You do. You may have simply forgotten in the busyness of life. My job is to help you by creating a safe container for you and your body to remember. Your Body/Mind/Spirit knows exactly what to do. It’s very smart. Sometimes, there's energy blocks in the system and muscles are tight causing nerves to be squeezed. Other times signals may be crossed causing your mental health to suffer. Either way, I am here to guide you back to your optimal health and well-being. I do that by listening and supporting you in whatever way you need, and working to best serve you with my knowledge and skillsets.
